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the time to come

  • 1 yol

    "1. road; path; way; passage; course; route; channel; conduit. 2. rate of speed, speed (of a ship). 3. style; manner. 4. way of behaving. 5. method, system. 6. means, way; solution. 7. purpose, end (used in either the locative or the dative): Bu yolda çok emek harcadık. We´ve expended a lot of effort on this. Vatan yoluna savaştılar. They fought for the sake of the fatherland. 8. stripe (in cloth). 9. time: Bir yol bize geldi. He came to see us once. -unda 1. for the sake of. 2. in good order, going as it should, going well, fine. 3. in the style of, in the manner of. -uyla 1. by way of, via. 2. by means of, by, through. 3. in a suitable manner. - açmak /a/ to pave the way for. -unuz açık olsun! Have a good trip!/Bon voyage! - ağzı mouth of a road, junction. - almak to proceed, move forward. -u almak to reach the end of one´s journey. - aramak to look for a way (to solve a problem). - ayrımı fork in a road. - azığı food for a journey. -una bakmak/-unu beklemek /ın/ to await the arrival of, expect (someone who´s traveling a long way). - boyunca 1. throughout the journey; all the way: Yol boyunca durmadan konuştu. He talked incessantly all the way. 2. beside the road, along the road. -unu bulmak /ın/ to find the way to do (something), find the way to get (something) done. -a çıkarmak /ı/ to see (someone) off (on a journey). -a çıkmak to set off (on a journey). (aynı, bir) -a çıkmak (for one thing) to lead to the same result (as another). -dan çıkmak 1. (for a train) to be derailed; (for a car, etc.) to go off the road. 2. (for someone) to go astray, depart from the straight and narrow. -una çıkmak /ın/ 1. to meet (someone, something) by chance. 2. to go to meet (a traveler). -a düşmek to set off (on a journey). -lara düşmek to go out and wander far and near/wide (in search of someone, something). -u düşmek 1. /a/ to happen on, chance on, happen to pass (a place). 2. /ın/ (for the right moment for something) to be at hand. (...) -una düşmek to set out for (a place). -a düzülmek to set off (on a journey). - erkân the right way to do (something). - erkân bilmek to know how to behave properly. - etmek /ı/ to go to (a place) very often. -a gelmek to come round (to another´s point of view); to see reason; to straighten up and do as one is supposed to do. -a getirmek /ı/ to bring (someone) round (to another´s point of view); to make (someone) see reason; to make (someone) straighten up and do as he is supposed to do. -una girmek (for something) to begin to go well. -a gitmek to set off (on a journey). - görünmek /a/ to sense that the time has come for (one) to pack up one´s traps and leave. - göstermek /a/ 1. to show (someone) how to get to a place. 2. to show (someone) how to solve something. 3. to guide (someone). - halısı runner (rug used to carpet a hall or staircase). - harcı travel allowance. - iz bilmek to know how to behave oneself properly. -dan/-undan kalmak to be prevented from setting out on a journey. -larda kalmak to be delayed on the road. -u kapamak to block the road. -unu kaybetmek to lose one´s way. - kesmek naut. to slow down, reduce speed. -unu kesmek /ın/ 1. to stop, waylay (someone). 2. to waylay (someone) (in order to rob him). -una koymak /ı/ to set/put (a matter) to rights. -a koyulmak to set off (on a journey). - parası 1. travel allowance. 2. road tax, tax which goes towards the upkeep of roads. -a revan olmak to set off (on a journey). -unu sapıtmak (for someone) to go astray, depart from the straight and narrow. - sormakla bulunur. proverb You learn how to do something properly by asking those who know how to do it. -unu şaşırmak 1. to take a/the wrong turning, be on the wrong road. 2. not to know which road to take. 3. to go astray, depart from the straight and narrow. - tepmek to walk a long way. (...) - tutmak to begin to live in (a certain) way; to live in (a certain) way. -u tutmak (for police, etc.) to take control of a road; to blockade a ro

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > yol

  • 2 ecel

    "the time at which a person is fated to die, one´s appointed time. - beşiği 1. cradle; boatswain´s chair. 2. deathtrap, unsafe conveyance. 3. dangerous crossing or pass. -i gelmek for one´s time to come, for the appointed hour of one´s death to be at hand. -iyle ölmek to die a natural death. -ine susamak to court death. - teri dökmek to fear for one´s life."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ecel

  • 3 gelmek

    ",-ir 1. to come. 2. /a/ to come to. 3. /dan/ to come from. 4. /a/ to come into; to come in. 5. /la/ to come with, accompany. 6. /a/ to come back (to), return (to). 7. /a/ to come to visit. 8. /a/ to hit, come to. 9. /a/ to come to, reach, arrive at (a stage of activity). 10. /dan/ to survive from, come from; /a/ to last till. 11. /dan/ to come from, originate in, spring from. 12. /a/ (for time) to be about, get to be. 13. /a/ to come up to, come to, reach. 14. to weigh about, be about, come to. 15. /dan/ to come from, result from. 16. /dan/ to come out of, result from. 17. /dan/ to be derived from, come from. 18. /a/ to tolerate, put up with. 19. /a/ to acknowledge the truth of (something) at last. 20. /a/ to be (good, bad, etc.) for, affect (someone) (in a certain way). 21. /dan/ to receive from, get from, gain from. 22. /a/ to have, be afflicted with. 23. /a/ to be, lie (in a certain direction). 24. /a/ to appear to be, seem to be. 25. /a/ to be proper, be appropriate. 26. /a, la/ to come with, begin with, start with. 27. /a/ to cost (a certain amount). 28. (for time) to come. 29. auxiliary verb to feel like (doing something); to feel, get: uykusu gelmek to feel sleepy. 30. an auxiliary verb which denotes continuous action when suffixed to a gerund: alışageldiğimiz which we are accustomed to. yapılagelen which is always being done. 31. auxiliary verb to pretend not to: duymazlıktan gelmek to pretend not to hear. 32. to be unable to resist (doing something), not to be able to help (doing something): İçtikçe içeceğim geliyor. The more I drink, the more I want to drink. 33. to be, come in: birinci gelmek to be the first. Gel.... 1. Come now: Gel, bu işten vazgeçelim. Come now, let´s leave this. 2. (followed by a negative imperative) if you can help it: Gel, şimdi kızma! How can I help but be angry! Gelelim.... /a/ Let us turn to (another subject). gelince /a/ 1. as for...: Bana gelince, ben bugün kitap okumak istiyorum. As for me, I want to read a book today. 2. when it comes to...: Herkese karşı çok cömerttir ama karısına gelince on para vermez. He is very generous to everybody but when it comes to his wife he doesn´t give her a cent. gelsin... (gelsin..., gitsin....) (followed by a noun) describes lavishness or an easy, leisurely manner: Gelsin çaylar, (gitsin) kahveler, hiç çalıştığı yok. He kills time all day sipping tea and coffee and never working. gelip çatmak/dayanmak (for time) to come round at last, be finally at hand. gelip geçici transient, passing. gelip geçmek 1. to pass by. 2. to pass through, come and go. gelmiş geçmiş of all who have come and gone, of all those who have been; of all (the things) that have happened so far; of all times, of all periods. gelip gitmek /a/ to come and go, frequent. Gel keyfim gel. colloq. How sweet it is!/It´s great to be alive! Geleceği varsa, göreceği de var. colloq. He´ll regret it if he does! (said as a threat). gel zaman git zaman a long time afterwards."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gelmek

  • 4 gün

    "1. day. 2. daytime, day. 3. sun. 4. daylight, sunlight. 5. day, time. 6. day, days, time, times, period. 7. happy days, better times, days of happiness. 8. special day, feast day. 9. a woman´s at-home day. 10. date (a given point of time). -lerce for days. -ün adamı 1. man of the hour, man of the day. 2. a man for all seasons. - ağarmak for day to dawn, for dawn to break. - ağarması daybreak, dawn. - almak /dan/ 1. to get an appointment (from). 2. to have passed (a certain age) by (a specified number of days). - atlamamak not to miss out a day. - batması sunset, sundown. -ün birinde 1. one day, some day. 2. once, at one time in the past. -lerden bir gün once upon a time. - bugün. colloq. Now is the time. - doğmadan neler doğar. proverb A lot can happen between now and then. - doğmak 1. for the sun to rise, for day to dawn. 2. /a/ (for someone) to have an unexpected opportunity or stroke of fortune. -ünü doldurmak 1. to complete a period of time. 2. fin. to fall due, mature. - durumu astr. solstice. -leri gece olmak /ın/ to fall on evil days, meet with misfortune. -ü geçmek /ın/ (for a woman´s period) to be late. - gibi açık/aşikâr altogether clear, very clear, manifest. - görmek to see happy days. -ünü görmek 1. to come to a bad end; to suffer for one´s errors. 2. /ın/ to see (one´s grown-up offspring) living a happy life. 3. to menstruate, have one´s period. - görmemek to know nothing but unhappiness. - görmez 1. (place) which doesn´t get any sunlight, sunless. 2. (someone) who never gets out in the sun. - görmüş 1. (someone) who has seen better days. 2. experienced. -ünü görürsün! I´ll show you!/You´ll get what´s coming to you!/You´ll get your just deserts! - göstermek /a/ to make (someone) live happily. -ünü göstermek /a/ to show, punish (used as a threat). -den güne/- günden from day to day, gradually. -ü gününe 1. day by day. 2. to the very day. -ünü gün etmek to be really enjoying oneself, be having a real good time, be having a hell of a good time. -ü gününe uymamak to be capricious, be fickle. - ışığına çıkmak to come to light; to become clear. - kavuşmak/inmek for the sun to set/go down, for night to fall. - koymak /a/ to put aside a day, assign some time (for). - ola harman ola. colloq. One day its time will come. -leri sayılı olmak to be near death. -ünü/-lerini saymak to be waiting for death. - sürmek to live prosperously. - tutulmak for the sun to be eclipsed. - tutulması astr. solar eclipse. - tün eşitliği astr. equinox. - yapmak (for women) to be at home to guests. -ü yetmek 1. (for something) to fall due, be due. 2. (for one´s last hour) to be at hand. 3. (for a woman) to fill up her term of pregnancy. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gün

  • 5 ileri

    "1. the front, the area or part which lies to the front: Trenin ilerisini göremiyoruz. We can´t see the front section of the train. 2. the next part (of a road, a course, a job): İlerimizde deniz vardı. In front of us lay the sea. Yolun ilerisi çok virajlı. The next part of the road is full of curves. Bu işin ilerisi pek kolay olmaz. The next part of this job won´t be very easy. 3. the future, the time yet to come; the time which lies just ahead: İlerimiz kış. Winter is just around the corner. İleriyi hiç düşünmedin mi? Haven´t you ever thought about the future? 4. mil. advance, forward, situated near the front: ileri komuta yeri advance command post. 5. fast (clock, watch, etc.): Saatim iki dakika ileri. My watch is two minutes fast. 6. /dan/ ahead of, before, (something) which precedes: Tacimah bizden ileri sınıflardan birindeydi. Tacimah was in one of the classes ahead of us. 7. advanced; beyond the elementary stage; ahead of others. 8. advanced (age, years): Hoşkadem oldukça ileri bir yaşta aşka düştü. Hoşkadem fell in love at a rather advanced age. 9. Forward!/Onward! 10. forward, forwards, to the front; out in front; onward, onwards. -si 1. the future. 2. the farther part. 3. the rest, what is still to come. - almak /ı/ 1. to move (something) forward, move (something) towards the front. 2. to promote (someone). 3. to set or put (a clock, watch) forward. - atılmak to spring forward; to rush forward. -den beri for a long time now. - çıkmak to come forward. - evre advanced stage. - geçmek 1. to go forward, go to the front. 2. to be promoted. - gelenler important people, prominent people, notables, worthies, bigwigs. - gelmek /dan/ to be caused by, result from, be due to. -sini gerisini düşünmemek/hesaplamamak/saymamak /ın/ not to give a thought to the consequences of (something). - geri konuşmak/laflar etmek/söylemek to speak in an offhanded and tactless way, talk offhandedly and tactlessly. - gitmek 1. to advance, progress. 2. to go too far, go beyond the bounds of what is considered acceptable. 3. (for a clock or watch) to gain time, be fast. -sine gitmek /ın/ 1. to consider (something) in depth, go into (something) in detail. 2. to see (something) through. -yi görmek to foresee the future. - görüş foresight, prescience. - görüşlü foresighted, foresightful, farsighted, prescient (person). - götürmek /ı/ to take (something) too far, carry (something) too far. - hat mil. front line. - karakol mil. outpost; outlying picket. - marş! mil. Forward, march! - sürmek /ı/ 1. to drive (someone, something) forward. 2. to put forward, set forth (an idea). - varmak to go too far, go beyond the bounds of what is considered acceptable."

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  • 6 vakit

    ,-kti 1. time. 2. the right time, the time (for doing something). 3. when: Refia geldiği vakit when Refia comes/when Refia came. -iyle 1. at the proper time, in due season, in time. 2. in the past, once, once upon a time. -ini almak /ın/ to take (someone´s) time. - dolmak for a given period of time to be up, come to an end. - geçirmek to pass the time, occupy oneself. -i gelmek /ın/ for (someone´s) hour of death to be at hand. -ler hayrolsun! Good day! - kaybetmeden without losing any time, promptly, at once. - kazanmak 1. to save time. 2. (for someone) to gain time. - nakittir. proverb Time is money. -i olmak to have enough time. -i olmamak not to have enough time. - öldürmek to kill time. -ini şaşmamak to be punctual. - vakit from time to time, at times. -ini yemek /ın/ to take (someone´s) time. -i yerinde well-off, well-fixed, economically comfortable.

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  • 7

    "1. work, labor. 2. job, employment, work. 3. duty, job. 4. occupation, line of work, work. 5. business, trade, commerce. 6. business, matter, affair. 7. the important thing; the chief problem. 8. secret or dubious side (of an affair). 9. slang trick. 10. event, something. 11. way of behaving; course of action. 12. something worth doing. 13. phys. work. -ler açılmak for trade to become brisk. -inin adamı a man who knows his job. - akdi labor contract. -in alayında olmak not to take (a thing) seriously; to take (it) as a joke. -ten alıkoymak /ı/ to interrupt (someone) at his work. -i Allaha kalmak (for someone) to be in the soup, be beyond help. -i altın. colloq. He is prospering. -ten anlamak to know what one is doing, know one´s business. - anlaşmazlığı labor dispute. -ten artmaz, dişten artar. proverb You save money not by making more but by spending less. -ten atmak /ı/ to fire, dismiss. - ayağa düşmek for a project to fall into the hands of irresponsible and incompetent people. -i azıtmak to go too far, overstep the mark. -ine bak. colloq. Mind your own business. -e bakmak to get to work on something; to be at work on something. -e balta ile girişmek to set about doing something like a bull in a china shop. - başa düşmek to have to do something oneself. - başarı belgesi letter of recommendation, recommendation. -in başı the crux, the central point. - başında 1. on the job. 2. during work time. - başındakiler the leaders. -i başından aşmak/aşkın olmak to be extremely busy. - başında bulunmak to be working. - başına geçmek to take the lead; to come to power. -ler becermek to be up to no good. -i bırakmak 1. to quit a job. 2. to stop working. 3. to go on strike. -ten (bile) değil! colloq. It´s very easy. - bilenin kılıç kuşananın. proverb 1. The person who knows how to use something properly is the one who is entitled to possess it. 2. Possession creates a claim of ownership. - bilmek to be skillful; to be capable. -ini bilmek 1. to know how to exploit a situation to one´s own advantage. 2. to be conscientious about one´s job. 3. to be well-qualified for one´s job. - birlikli collective, joint, common. - bitirmek 1. to complete a job successfully. 2. (for something) to be suitable for the job in hand. -ini bitirmek 1. to finish one´s own work. 2. /ın/ to finish (another´s) job. 3. /ın/ colloq. to cook (someone´s) goose. 4. /ın/ colloq. to finish off, bump off, kill. - bitmek 1. for an affair to be settled. 2. /dan/ for the outcome of a job to depend on (someone´s) efforts. -i bitmek 1. for a job in hand to finish. 2. colloq. to be very tired, be worn to a frazzle. -i bozulmak for one´s business affairs or an undertaking to go awry/take a downward turn. - buyurmak /a/ to order (someone) around; to tell (someone) to do a job. - çatallanmak for a job to get complicated. - çığırından çıkmak for a situation to get out of hand. - çıkarmak 1. to do a lot of work. 2. /a/ to give (a person) something disagreeable to do. 3. to cause trouble; to create difficulties. - çıkmak 1. for work to be done/be turned out/be produced. 2. for trouble or a problem to come up/arise. - çıkmaza girmek for things to reach an impasse. - dayıya düştü. colloq. It´s time for an expert to take over. - donu shalwars, very baggy trousers. -i dökmek /a/ 1. unintentionally to become, turn into: İşi öğretmenliğe döktü. He´s unintentionally become a teacher. 2. to act as if: İşi oyuna döktü. He acted as if it were a game. -i duman olmak slang to be in the soup, be in trouble. - düşmek /a/ for a job or duty to fall to or on. -i düşmek /a/ 1. to have to go (somewhere or to someone) on business. 2. to need (someone´s) help. - edinmek /ı/ to make (something) one´s special concern. -ten el çektirmek /a/ to remove (someone) from office. -/-inin eri a person who does his job well. - geçiştirme perfunctory work. -ine gelmek to suit one´s interests, accord with one´s plans. -e girişmek to embark on a job enthusi

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  • 8 iki

    "two. -dir for the second time. -miz the two of us. -miz de both of us. -si the two (of them). -si de both (of them). - ahbap çavuşlar colloq. inseparable friends, great pals. -si arası 1. neither one nor the other, a combination of the two. 2. (someone, something) who/which is a mixture of the two. - arada bir derede somehow or other. - arada bir derede kalmak to be in a tight situation. - arada kalmak to be at a loss as to whom to believe; not to know whom to support. - ateş arasında kalmak to be caught between two fires. - atomlu chem. diatomic. - ayağını bir pabuca sokmak/koymak /ın/ to pressure (someone), put pressure on (someone) (to finish something immediately). - baştan olmak (for something) to be possible only if both sides are in agreement about it. -de bir/birde very frequently, all the time, constantly, continually, every whipstitch. -si bir kapıya çıkar. colloq. They both amount to the same thing. -si bir kazanda kaynamamak not to get along together. -sini bir kazana koysalar kaynamazlar. colloq. It´s impossible for them to get along with each other. - boyutlu two-dimensional. - buçukluk (a) two-and-a-half lira coin. - büklüm bent double, very stooped. - cambaz bir ipte oynamaz. proverb If two cheats try to work together, they end up cheating each other. - cami arasında kalmış beynamaz/binamaz (someone) who doesn´t know which alternative to choose, (someone) who doesn´t know which of two choices to make. - cihanda in this world and the next. - çıplak bir hamama yakışır. proverb Don´t think about marrying if you haven´t got a penny to your name. - çift laf/söz a word or two, a few words. - çifte kayık/- çifteli rowboat with two pairs of oars. - değerlikli chem. bivalent (element). - dinle (bin işit) bir söyle. proverb Listen before you talk. - dirhem bir çekirdek dressed up fit to kill, dressed up to the nines, all dolled up. - dünya this world and the world to come. - eli böğründe kalmak to be at a loss as to what to do; to feel helpless. - eli (kızıl) kanda olsa no matter what he´s/she´s doing, no matter what, no matter how tied up he/she is. - eli şakaklarında düşünmek to brood, be deep in thought. - eli yakasında olmak /ın/ to intend to settle accounts (with another) on Judgment Day. - elim yanıma gelecek. colloq. I swear I´m telling the truth!/Cross my heart! - evli bigamous. - geçeli in two rows facing each other. - gönül bir olursa/olunca samanlık seyran olur. proverb If two people are really in love they can make do with a bare minimum of worldly goods. - gözüm my dear; my dear friend; my dear lady; my dear fellow. - gözle görme/- göze değgin görme binocular vision. - gözü iki çeşme crying one´s eyes out, crying one´s heart out. - gözüm kör olsun! I swear to God! - gözüm önüme aksın! I swear to God! - günde bir every other day. - hörgüçlü deve Bactrian camel, two-humped camel. - karpuz bir koltuğa sığmaz. proverb You can´t do two things at once. - kat 1. doubled, folded. 2. bent double, very stooped. - katı /ın/ double the amount of. - katlı 1. two-storied. 2. two-layered. - kat olmak to be bent double, become very stooped. - kere twice. - kere iki dört eder gibi as sure as two and two is four. - misli twofold, twice as much. - namlulu double-barreled. - nokta colon (punctuation mark). -si ortası/-sinin ortası 1. (someone, something) which is a blend of the two. 2. a blend of the two. 3. middle ground, middle of the road; middle way, middle path. - paralık etmek /ı/ to ruin (someone´s) reputation, discredit (someone) thoroughly. - paralık olmak (for someone´s reputation) to be ruined, (for someone) to be thoroughly discredited. - rahmetten biri. colloq. If he can´t get well I hope death will put an end to his sufferings. - satır konuşmak/dertleşmek to have a brief chat. - seksen uzanmak slang 1. to be tickled pink. 2. to be flattened (by a fisticuff). 3. to loll. - sözü/lafı/lakırdıyı bir araya getirememek to be unable to express ones

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  • 9 sabah

    "1. morning. 2. in the morning. -tan in the morning: Akşama hazır olmasını istersen sabahtan söylemen gerekir. If you want it to be ready by evening, you must order it in the morning. - akşam all the time. -ı bulmak/etmek to stay awake all night; to sit up all night; to work all night. -a çıkmak (for a sick person) to make it through the night, still to be alive when morning comes. -a doğru/karşı towards morning. -lar hayrolsun! Good morning! - kahvaltısı breakfast. -ın köründe at the crack of dawn. - ola, hayır ola. 1. Let´s wait and see how things are in the morning (said in the hope that things will be better by morning). 2. It´s better to do things in the morning, when one is fresh and rested. - namazı the morning namaz (the first namaz of the day). - oldu. Morning´s come./Morning´s broken./It´s morning. - sabah in the morning (as opposed to any other time). -ı şerifler/şerifleri/şerifiniz hayırlı olsun! Good morning! - yıldızı the morning star, Venus."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > sabah

  • 10 bırakmak

    "1. /ı, da/ to leave (something, someone) (in) (a place); /ı, a/ to leave (someone, something) with (someone), leave (someone, something) in the care of (someone). 2. /ı, a/ to leave, put (something, someone) on or in (a place). 3. /ı/ to let go of, stop holding: Beni bırak! Let go of me! 4. /ı/ to leave, abandon, desert. 5. /ı/ to quit (a job). 6. to stop, desist; /ı/ to stop doing, quit doing (something): Bırak Allah aşkına! Stop it for God´s sake! 7. /ı, a/ to leave (something) until (a future date), put (something) off until (a future date). 8. /ı, a/ to entrust (a job) to (someone); to hand over, turn over, relinquish (a job, a responsibility) to (someone). 9. /ı/ to leave (someone, something) alone, let (someone, something) be, leave (someone) in peace. 10. /ı, a/ to let (one´s hair) hang down to (a specified level). 11. /ı/ to grow (a beard, a mustache). 12. /a, ı/ to let (someone) have the use of (something), let (someone) have (something), let (someone) borrow (something). 13. /ı, a/ to leave (something) to (someone), let (someone) have (something); to bequeath (something) to (someone). 14. /a, ı/ (for something) to bring (someone) (a specified amount of profit), leave (someone) with (a specified amount of profit). 15. /ı/ to give up (a habit): Sigarayı bıraktı. He´s given up smoking. 16. /ı/ to leave, cease to give one´s attention to (a matter); to forget about, disregard, write off (someone or something regarded as worthless): Bunu şimdilik bırakalım. Let´s leave this for the time being. Onu bırak! Forget about him! 17. /ı/ to set (a captive person or animal) free. 18. /ı/ to let, allow (someone) (to do something) (often used in the imperative): Bırak, onlara yardım edeyim! Let me help them! Öğretmen onu öbür çocuklarla oynamaya bırakmadı. The teacher didn´t let him play with the other children. 19. /ı, a/ to let (someone, an animal) go to or into (a place): O gün beni okula bırakmadılar. That day they didn´t let me go to school. Beni içeriye bırakmadı. He didn´t let me go in. 20. /ı/ to leave (a spouse). 21. /ı/ to leave (a stain, a mark). 22. /ı/ to leave (someone, something) (in an undesirable state): Köpeği bütün gün aç bıraktılar. They let the dog go hungry all day. Çocuğu öksüz bıraktılar. They left the child an orphan. Evi darmadağınık bıraktı. He left the house in a real mess. 23. /ı/ (for a teacher) to make (a student) repeat a grade, fail, flunk (a student). 24. /ı, a, dan/ to sell (something) to (someone) for (a specified price), let (someone) have (something) for (a specified price). 25. (for something) to come unglued. Bıraktığım çayırda/yerde otluyorsun. colloq. You´re still doing what you´ve always done. Bırak ki.... and even if I did...: O işi yapmak istemiyorum, bırak ki vaktim de yok. I don´t want to do that job; and even if I did, I don´t have the time. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > bırakmak

  • 11 ha

    1. Come on now!: Ha gayret! Come on!/You can do it! 2. Wow...!/What a...!: Amma büyük ha! What a big one! 3. Look here!: Sakın ha, bir daha görmeyeyim! Look here! Don´t let me see that again! 4. O yes!/Oh yeah!/ I see!: Ha, sen bize çay getirecektin! Oh yeah!/You were going to bring us some tea. 5. colloq. Eh?/Huh? 6. either, or. 7. impolite Yes. 8. (between repetitions of a verb) on and on. - babam!/- babam ha! colloq. 1. Try now! A little more!/Keep on! 2. continuously, on and on. - bire without ever stopping, all the time. - bugün, ha yarın at any time, any day. - deyince at once, that moment. -..., ha... nearly, almost: Ha düştü, ha düşecek. He is about to fall./He may fall at any moment. - Hoca Ali, ha Ali Hoca./- Ali Hoca, ha Hoca Ali. There is really nothing to choose between. - şöyle! colloq. That´s better!/That´s right! - şunu bileydin. colloq. Now you´ve got it!/Finally you understand!

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ha

  • 12 paydos

    "1. break, rest; end of the work day. 2. stopping work for a while; taking a break. P-! It´s quitting time!/It´s break time! - borusu çalmak for quitting time or break time to come. - demek to leave off doing something. - etmek to quit work, stop working. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > paydos

  • 13 vade

    "1. term, fixed period of time; prompt. 2. due date; date of maturity. 3. grace period, respite, delay, extension. 4. the time when one is fated to die, one´s hour of death. -si gelmek/yetmek /ın/ 1. to fall due. 2. (for a period of time) to be up, come to an end. 3. for (one´s) hour of death to be at hand."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > vade

  • 14 doğru

    "1. straight. 2. true. 3. proper, suitable. 4. honest, good (person). 5. correct, accurate. 6. the truth. 7. math. line. 8. truly, correctly. 9. straight, directly. 10. /a/ toward, in the direction of. 11. /a/ toward, near the time of. 12. That´s true. 13. colloq. a correct answer (in a test). -dan directly. - açı geom. straight angle. - adam honest man, just man. - akım direct current. -dan ayrılmamak not to swerve from honesty. - bulmak /ı/ to approve of. - çıkmak to come true, prove to be right. - çizgi geom. straight line. -dan doğruya directly. - doğru dosdoğru.... The exact truth (of the matter) is that.... -ya doğru, eğriye eğri demek to speak the simple truth; to call a spade a spade. - durmak 1. to stand up straight, stand erect. 2. to sit still, be quiet. - dürüst 1. properly. 2. genuine, real, proper. - orantılı math. directly proportional. - oturmak to sit still, sit properly. - rota naut. direct course. - söylemek to speak the truth. - söyleyeni dokuz köyden kovarlar. proverb The man who tells the truth is driven out of nine villages. - söze akan sular durur. proverb When the truth is spoken it is useless to argue. - söze can kurban. colloq. It is very good to hear the truth. - söze ne denir? colloq. That is the way it is. What more can you say? -dan şaşma. Don´t stray from what is right./Avoid temptation. - yanlış cetveli list of errata. -nun yardımcısı Allahtır. proverb God helps an honest man. - yol the right way."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > doğru

  • 15 yarı

    1. half of the, half the: Öğrencilerin yarısı geldi. Half of the students have come. gece yarısı midnight. 2. half of, mid-: Yarı ömrüm bitti. Half of my life is over. Yarı yolda kaldık. We were left stranded in the middle of our journey. yarı gece midnight. yarı yün yarı poliyester bir kazak a sweater that´s half wool and half polyester. 3. sports half time, the half. 4. halfway, half, only partially: yarı açık half open. Yarı anladı. He halfway understood. yarı pişmiş et underdone meat. yarı cahil semiliterate. yarı göçebe seminomadic/ seminomad. yarı resmi semiofficial. - belden aşağı below the waist, from the waist down. - belden yukarı above the waist, from the waist up. -da bırakmak /ı/ to leave off (doing something) when one has completed only half of it, stop doing (a job) when one is in the middle of it. - buçuk 1. piddling, trifling, trivial. 2. poor, sorry, third-rate, two-bit, crummy. - çekili bayrak flag flying at half mast. - fiyatına at half price, at half the usual price, half-price. - inme path. hemiplegia. -da kalmak to be left half finished, be left half done. - yarıya 1. halfway, half. 2. in half, equally, fifty-fifty. - yolda bırakmak /ı/ to leave (someone) in the lurch, leave (someone) high and dry.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > yarı

  • 16 âhir

    1.the last, the final: âhir nefes last gasp. 2. in the end. 3. end, conclusion, termination. - olmak to come to an end, end. - ömür/vakit old age, (one´s) last years. - zaman the time during which the Last Judgment can be expected to take place. - zaman peygamberi the Prophet Muhammad.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > âhir

  • 17 çatmak

    "1. /ı/ to stack, pile (arms); to prop (poles, etc.) together (as one would stack rifles). 2. /ı/ to put up (a framework of poles or timbers). 3. /ı/ to erect (something) in a makeshift manner. 4. /ı, a/ to put (a load) on both sides of (a pack animal). 5. /ı/ to baste (pieces of cloth) together, tack (pieces of cloth) together. 6. /ı/ to tie on (a cloth worn around the forehead). 7. /ı/ to knit (one´s brows). 8. /a/ to meet with, come up against, run up against (someone or something unpleasant). 9. /a/ to encounter, chance upon (someone). 10. /a/ to scold, berate. 11. /a/ to hit, bump. 12. /a/ to ingratiate oneself with, get in with, cozy up to. 13. (for a time) to come round, be upon one. Çattık! colloq. We´re in for it now!"

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çatmak

  • 18 varmak

    ",-ır /a/ 1. to reach, arrive at, come to; to get to, get as far as. 2. (for a woman) to marry (a man). varan... varan... Here´s...!/There´s...! (followed by a number): Varan bir.Varan iki. Here´s one! Here´s two! Varan dört. That makes four! Var/Varın.... 1. Well then...!/... then!: Var git! Well then go!/Go if that´s what you want to do! 2. Just you...!/You just...! Var ne olacağını düşün! You just think of what´ll happen then! varıncaya kadar /a/ up to, to. Varsın.... might as well: ´´Ayşe gelemeyecekmiş.´´ “Varsın gelmesin. Gündemde onu ilgilendiren pek bir şey yok.” “It seems Ayşe can´t make it.” “It doesn´t matter whether she comes or not. There´s practically nothing on the agenda that concerns her.” Varsın yetki ona resmen verilsindi. He might as well have been given the authority officially. varıncaya kadar /a/ 1. by the time we´ve reached (a specified place). 2. even: Rengin teyzeye varıncaya kadar herkes orada hazır bulunuyordu. Everybody, even Aunt Rengin, was there."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > varmak

  • 19 yalancı

    "1. liar. 2. imitation, artificial, false. - çıkarmak /ı/ 1. to prove (someone) a liar. 2. to call (someone) a liar, claim that (someone) is a liar. - çıkmak 1. to look like a liar, appear to be a liar. 2. to turn out to be a liar. - çiçek artificial flower. - dünya this transitory life. -nın evi yanmış da kimse inanmamış. proverb If you cry wolf all the time, nobody will believe you when you´re actually telling the truth./Nobody believes anything a habitual liar says. - inci artificial pearl. -nın mumu yatsıya kadar yanar. proverb It doesn´t take long for a lie to come to light. -sı olmak /ın/ to appear to be a liar because one has repeated something untrue that someone else has told one: Ben Şefika´nın yalancısıyım. I look like a liar, but I´m not; I just repeated what Şefika told me. - pehlivan person who pretends to be able to do what he can´t, big talker. - tanık/şahit law perjurer. - taş imitation jewel."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > yalancı

  • 20 kalmak

    ",-ır 1. to remain, be left; to be left over. 2. to stay (in a place temporarily). 3. to come to a halt, reach a standstill. 4. to fail (a class). 5. /a/ to be postponed to. 6. /a/ (for a matter) to be entrusted to (someone). 7. /a, dan/ (for something) to be left to (someone) by (someone else). 8. /dan/ to be kept from doing (something). 9. /la/ to be content with, go no further than. kala kala only..., no more than... (is left): Gelmesine kala kala bir gün kaldı. There´s only one day left until she comes. kaldı ki moreover, furthermore. kalsa/kalırsa /a/ 1. if you ask (my/his/her) opinion. 2. if it were left up to (someone). Kalsın. 1. Let´s leave it for the time being. 2. I´ve decided I don´t want it. kalır yeri olmamak /dan/ to be at least as good as."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kalmak

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